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Advancement in the field of Shoulder Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that orthopedic surgeons use to inspect, diagnose, and repair problems inside a joint.The word Arthroscopy comes from two Greek words, "arthro" (joint) and "skopein" (to look). The term exactly means "to look within the joint." During shoulder Arthroscopy, your shoulder surgeon inserts a small camera, called an Arthroscope, into your shoulder joint. The camera displays images on a television screen, and your shoulder surgeon uses these images to guide miniature surgical instruments.

The Present Advancement in the field of Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder arthroscopy has not only delivered us a new surgical instrument, but also a greater understanding of shoulder injuries and diseases. New lesions, which were previously un-diagnosed before, have now been detailed and categorized. A good example is the SLAP lesion, described and classified by Steve Snyder in the USA in the initial 1990's. We also understand normal anatomical variants better, such as the Buford complex, Biceps variants and so on. The understanding of sports shoulder injuries has advanced, along with improved treatments for these patients.

In addition to the technological advances, Mumbai surgeons have had to learn new skills. The ability to manually operate your instruments at the same time as looking at a two dimensional monitor is entirely new to most of the surgeons. The learning curve has been tough for all surgeons worldwide. However, arthroscopy does lend itself to simulation training. Models, such as the 'Alex' shoulder model has given shoulder specialist in Mumbai the ability to practice new methods and techniques before applying them to live patients. Surgeons in training are now being taught the abilities and skills of arthroscopy, at the same time growing up on 3D computer games, which need similar basic skills.

The Future of Arthroscopy

The future of arthroscopic surgery undoubtedly relies on advances in technology, skills and biology. Tissue engineering is already here and being used for cartilage surgery. Tendon and muscle tissue engineering is possible and there are several research studies being conducted on this. It is highly likely that arthroscopy will be the method of inserting these engineered tissues in the near future.Advances in the arthroscopy technology with micro-electronics, has resulted in the development of needle arthroscopes. This is a breakthrough technology that offers diagnostic visualization in a scope that is only the size of an 18 gauge needle. Hence the technique can be performed in the clinic (office) under local anesthetic. Patients can see their pathology and treatment can be discussed and planned, without the inconvenience of further investigations.

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